Spiritual Thoughts......

[Daily Sutra] At least do this

This could be a step for you: to reach the point where you even don't feel
anything bad about anybody at all. But if you happen to feel [bad], if you
want to say [something], just say it -- and just drop it.

[Daily Sutra] Criticism from the Throat

Without being critical, the intellect cannot progress. But that criticism
should not come from the heart; it can come from the throat.

[Daily Sutra] Constructive Criticism

If criticism comes from the heart, mixed with feelings, that's where the
bitterness is. That makes you feel bitter and spreads poison around you.
But if the criticism is just from the throat, not from the heart, then it
helps one to go ahead -- it becomes constructive.

[Daily Sutra] Losing Innocence

Your judgement is an impression in your mind. You don't want to be judged,
but you judge others. But whatever you do, if you judge, that same
reflects back into yourself, and the innocence is lost. The main purpose,
the main thing of why you should not judge [is] because your innocence
will be lost.

Some of the thoughts I like the most. Some which make me look at things around me beautifully. Some, which I appreciate because they are worth appreciating. Not my words but from Gurudev. Jai Gurudev !!


Gratedsandy said…
The thought on Constructive criticism really makes sense!
thoughts!! said…
You write well !!!
[Daily Sutra] At least do this:
Let thoughts be thoughts and let them flow: Be Yourself --You Live Only Once!
[Daily Sutra] Criticism from the Throat:
Heart and throat are well connected:)...
[Daily Sutra] Losing Innocence
If you Judge others you cannot love them...Just another Thought!
Expectations reduce Joy!!!
Aks said…
Yeah, it does. Readily got convinced with it as it gave positive approach to life..and people.

Thanks for the compliment.
Liked your thoughts too !!

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