Was that a hoax
Check out the attached blog article.. The photographs are amazing.... but the sight of sand like beach on the water is more perplexing... how can that happen ..... It indeed sounds so weird but its true ...
The hoaxslayer newsletter article in January 07 edition on "Floating Volcanic Stones and New Island in the South Pacific" validates that it is indeed true
Least to say the photographs are absolutely amazing on the blog.. and thats what made me stop and check the details to that depth :)
The hoaxslayer newsletter article in January 07 edition on "Floating Volcanic Stones and New Island in the South Pacific" validates that it is indeed true
Least to say the photographs are absolutely amazing on the blog.. and thats what made me stop and check the details to that depth :)
And thankyou for visiting thestoneleaf. I have read quite some posts out here, and i liked the tone in which you write. Conversing with oneself, vartalaap aks se.
Keep discovering.
Those pics are beautiful and amazing in their own different way. Must have been an experience of a unique kinds for those who actually witnessed the whole thing.
Yes indeed there is loads to learn even in this hobby sake creative writting; the perspective is changing and new thoughts are evolving as I read my own words after reading other's opinion about those.
Precisely this is what I commented on your blog, we have our own style of writting but we acknowledge few things and appreciate the underlying idea even better when we see the impact that those words make on others.
Thanks for visiting the blog and appreciating the work!