Europe - Dreams Realised

And now that the trip is over it is time to reminisce the good, the bad, the beautiful somewhere. That somewhere is this page that has been dormant for 10 looooong years. I look back at these most beautiful 17 days of my life - why beautiful ? Because those were the most relaxing days when I was confronted by some fears that I decided to shrug off happily. When I prepared for nothing and allowed so much to come to me in form of experiences, which btw were all good. I fell sick but that could not deter the resolve to smile and live to the fullest. What has remained is loads of memories of beauty, laughter and experiences. One thing that still throngs my mind is whether it would be a good idea to repeat this trip in winters when the city will be decked up like a bride for Christmas? Would I enjoy it more then or would cuddle in my blanket seeking warmth? How would it be? This article and more to share the sweet little Details of what happened and how ...


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